The |male reproductive system| is responsible for generating, storing, and transporting the genetic material contained in the sperm cells, or spermatozoa. The chief organs include the testicles (or |testes|), the epididymides, the |vas deferens|, the |ejaculatory duct|, the |urethra|, and the penis. Auxiliary organs include the |bulbourethral |(Cowper's) |glands|, the |prostate gland|, and the |seminal vesicles|. Spermatozoa (sperm cells) contain the ~chromosomes~ which will combine with those of the ovum, or egg (produced by the |female reproductive system|), to form the |embryo| of a new human. These spermatozoa are generated within the testicles and stored within the epididymides. During sexual arousal, a fluid created by the |seminal vesicles| and the |prostate gland| combines with the sperm cells to create ~semen~, which is carried through the |urethra| and out of the opening, or ~meatus~, in the end of the erect penis. When the ~semen~ is deposited in the female |vagina|, the spermatozoa swim through the |uterus| to the fallopian tube, where one, or more, may fertilize an egg, or ovum.